CEPE-IACAP 2015 Joint Conference Extended Deadlines

June 22-25 2015 at the University of Delaware

Philosophical and ethical enquiries about information technologies, computing, and artificial intelligence have acquired a focal place in the academic and societal debate on the design, development and deployment of technological artefacts. As the issues to be addressed are increasingly complex and interwoven, the need to consider different stakeholders and to endorse both multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches in addressing such problems become more pressing. For this reason, in 2015 INSEIT and IACAP will hold a joint meeting to offer the opportunity to members of both communities to exchange ideas and discuss issues of common interest.

The conference will be held on June 22-25 2015 at the University of Delaware and will be hosted by Professor Tom Powers, Department of Philosophy, School of Public Policy and Administration and Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and Director of the Center for Science, Ethics & Public Policy, University of Delaware.

This year’s meeting will have a single main track focusing on topics at the core of IACAP and INSEIT member’s interests. Symposia will also be organized and run by members, or member groups, to focus on more specific topics of discussion.

We invite submissions of abstract (up to 3000 words) as well as submission of proposals for symposia focusing on ethical and philosophical problems relate to information technologies and computing. A selection of the papers presented during the meeting will be published in a volume of the ‘Synthese Library’ (Springer).

The conference theme is open to the following topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Life
  • Automated Warfare
  • Cognitive Science, Computation & Cognition
  • Computational Modeling in Science and Social Science
  • Computer-Mediated Communication
  • Ethical Problems and Societal Impact of Computation and Information
  • Ethics of Big Data
  • History of Computing
  • Information Culture and Society
  • Metaphysics of Computing
  • Philosophy of Information
  • Philosophy of Information Technology
  • Robotics
  • Virtual Reality

… and related issues

Important dates

Extended Abstract submission: 15 February 2015 (EXTENDED)
Notification of acceptance: 27 February 2015
Submission full paper for the conference proceedings: 1 August 2015

Symposia submission: 15 February 2015 (EXTENDED)
Notification of acceptance: 2 March 2015

Submissions should be sent via EasyChair using the following link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cepeiacap2015

Relevant websites

IACAP: http://www.iacap.org
INSEIT: http://inseit.net

Program Committee:

  • Anthony Beavers
  • Don Berkich
  • Paul Bello
  • Selmer Bringsjordd
  • Elizabeth Buchanan
  • Paul DeLaat
  • Charles Ess
  • Luciano Floridi
  • Fran Grodzinsky
  • Marcello Guarini
  • Don Howard
  • Derek Jones
  • Pat Lin
  • Keith Miller
  • James Moor
  • Thomas Powers
  • Giuseppe Primiero
  • Gualtiero Piccinini
  • Judith Simon
  • Johnny Soraker
  • John Sullins
  • Mariarosaria Taddeo
  • Herman Tavani
  • Marty Wolf
  • Wendell Wallach

CEPE-IACAP 2015 Joint Conference

June 22-25 2015 at the University of Delaware

Philosophical and ethical enquiries about information technologies, computing, and artificial intelligence have acquired a focal place in the academic and societal debate on the design, development and deployment of technological artefacts. As the issues to be addressed are increasingly complex and interwoven, the need to consider different stakeholders and to endorse both multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches in addressing such problems become more pressing. For this reason, in 2015 INSEIT (International Society for Ethics and Information Technology) and IACAP (International Association for Computing and Philosophy) will hold a joint meeting to offer the opportunity to members of both communities to exchange ideas and discuss issues of common interest.

The conference will be held on June 22-25 2015 at the University of Delaware and will be hosted by Professor Tom Powers, Department of Philosophy, School of Public Policy and Administration and Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and Director of the Center for Science, Ethics & Public Policy, University of Delaware.

This year’s meeting will have a single main track focusing on topics at the core of IACAP and INSEIT member’s interests. Symposia will also be organized and run by members, or member groups, to focus on more specific topics of discussion.

We invite submissions of abstract (up to 3000 words) as well as submission of proposals for symposia focusing on ethical and philosophical problems relate to information technologies and computing. A selection of the papers presented during the meeting will be published in a volume of the ‘Synthese Library’ (Springer).

The conference theme is open to the following topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Life
  • Automated Warfare
  • Cognitive Science, Computation & Cognition
  • Computational Modeling in Science and Social Science
  • Computer-Mediated Communication
  • Ethical Problems and Societal Impact of Computation and Information
  • Ethics of Big Data
  • History of Computing
  • Information Culture and Society
  • Metaphysics of Computing
  • Philosophy of Information
  • Philosophy of Information Technology
  • Robotics
  • Virtual Reality
  • and related issues

Important dates

Papers submission: 2 February 2015

Notification of acceptance: 27 February 2015

Submission full paper for the conference proceedings: 1 August 2015

Symposia submission: 12 January 2015

Notification of acceptance: 2 February 2015

Submissions should be sent via EasyChair using the following link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cepeiacap2015

Relevant websites

IACAP: http://www.iacap.org

INSEIT: http://inseit.net

Save the Date: 22-25 June 2015 CEPE-IACAP 2015 Joint Meeting

This coming year, the Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE), sponsored by the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT: http://inseit.net/) and the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP: http://www.iacap.org) will run their first joint international conference.

The meeting will be held on June 22nd-25th 2015 at the University of Delaware, and hosted by Professor Tom Powers at Department of Philosophy, School of Public Policy and Administration and Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and Director of the Center for Science, Ethics & Public Policy.

The conference will gather philosophers, ethicists, computer scientists, and colleagues from affiliated disciplines who share interests in philosophy and ethics of computing, philosophy of AI, machine ethics, moral computing, cognitive philosophy, and applied information and computer ethics.

On behalf of IACAP, INSEIT, and our hosts at the University of Delaware, we invite you to save the date and to consider submitting a paper and participating in the conference. A call for papers with submissions guidelines and more details on key themes will soon be issued.

2014 Covey, Simon, and Goldberg Memorial Award Winners

Professor Selmer Bringsjord  (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY  http://homepages.rpi.edu/~brings/ ) is the recipient of the Covey Award, which is presented to senior scholars with a substantial record of innovative research in the field of computing and philosophy broadly conceived.

Dr Gualterio Piccinini  (University of Missouri,  St. Louis  http://www.umsl.edu/~piccininig/ ) is the recipient of the Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy, which recognises scholars at an early stage of their academic career who are likely to reshape debates at the nexus of Computing and Philosophy by their original research.

Mr Simon Knight (Open University, UK  http://people.kmi.open.ac.uk/knight/ ) is the recipient of the Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award. This award is presented by IACAP & CMU to graduate students in recognition of outstanding achievements in the areas of Computing and Philosophy.

The winners will be presented with the awards during IACAP’14, where we will host an award ceremony. Thanks to all of you who kindly responded to our invitation to nominate colleagues and students for the awards and remember that registrations for IACAP’14 are now open http://www.iacap.org/conferences/iacap-2014/

Updated CFP: IACAP 2014

Deadline for abstracts & symposia: 15.3.14

The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy

Anatolia College/ACT
Thessaloniki, Greece
July 2-4, 2014

Organisation: Vincent C. Müller & the IACAP Executive Committee

Computing technologies both raise philosophical questions and shed light on traditional philosophical problems; it is this two-way relation that is the focus of IACAP meetings since 1986.

We invite submission of abstracts, as well as submission of proposals for symposia on computing and philosophy. This year’s meeting will have a single main track, focusing on topics which proved to be at the core of IACAP member’s interest. In parallel, the symposia will focus on more specific topics, organised autonomously by members or member groups. One symposium will be dedicated to the work of young researchers.

We will publish selected papers in a volume of the ‘Synthese Library’ (Springer). Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper for peer-review to this volume.

Some abstracts will be accepted for presentation as posters. For papers, we foresee slots of 30 minutes per talk, including discussion.

Invited Speakers

Judith Simon (ITU Kopenhagen)
Hector Zenil (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm)
Selmer Bringsjord (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY) – Covey Award Winner
Gualterio Piccinini (U Missouri- St. Louis) – Simon Award Winner
Simon Knight (Open University) – Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award Winner

Gregory Chatin (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) – symposium speaker
S. Barry Cooper (University of Leeds) – symposium speaker


  1. Young reseachers symposium – Organiser: VCM
  2. History and philosophy of computing – Organisers: Giuseppe Primiero and Liesbeth De Mol
  3. Anti-reductionist computational metaphors in evolution, metamathematics and the contemporary human self-image – Organiser: Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic
  4. Robotics: from Science Fiction to Legal Fact – Organisers: Sabine Thuermel, Fiorella Battaglia, Barbara Henry
  5. … more to be confirmed

Topics of interest:
•    Artificial Intelligence
•    Artificial Life
•    Cognitive Science, Computation & Cognition
•    Computational Modeling in Science and Social Science
•    Computer-Mediated Communication
•    Distance Education and Electronic Pedagogy
•    Ethical Problems and Societal Impact of Computation and Information
•    History of Computing
•    Information Culture and Society
•    Logic
•    Metaphysics of Computing
•    Philosophy of Information
•    Philosophy of Information Technology
•    Robotics
•    Virtual Reality
… and related issues

For abstracts, we request anonymous submission of 600-1000 words (plus references) in plain text or PDF, plus a short abstract of up to 120 words. All submissions will be reviewed double-blind by at least two members of the programme committee.

For symposia, please provide a brief motivation (ca. 300 words), a list of envisaged speakers, and indication of time needed (full day, half day, etc.).

Submission of symposium proposals: 15 March 2014
Submissions of abstracts: 15 March 2014 [extended]
Notification of acceptance or rejection: 14 April 2014
(for symposia, we respond asap)

Submission on EasyChair at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iacap2014

More details on http://www.pt-ai.org/iacap/2014/online-submission

Call for Nominations: The Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award

The International Association for Computing and Philosophy is proud to present the “Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award” to graduate students in recognition of outstanding achievements in the areas of Computing and Philosophy.

This award is sponsored by the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon and carries a $500 USD stipend, which will be presented each year at one of the IACAP conferences. Nominees and applicants are welcome from around the world.

This Award was made possible by a generous gift from Dr. Gerald and Nancy Goldberg in memory of their son, Brian Michael Goldberg. In their words:

Brian was a twenty-two year old student who was admitted to Carnegie Mellon University in 1991 to the doctoral program in philosophy. He died unexpectedly before he could realize his dream of attending Carnegie Mellon. Brian was an independent thinker who loved competition and a good challenge. Throughout his life, he found it exciting to enter and win contests. He loved challenging his mind, especially by studying philosophy, mathematics and logic. He loved challenging his creativity through photography, painting and theatre arts. He loved challenging his body by learning such diverse sports as wrestling, fencing and scuba diving. He loved debating and challenging others to think in new ways and had seriously considered becoming a university professor. To honor who he was and what he loved, this Goldberg Memorial Award is offered to challenge and motivate other graduate students in Brian’s chosen field of study.

To nominate, please send names and website URLs (or CVs) to: berkich@gmail.com by February the 28th 2014.

For more information, please see http://www.iacap.org/awards/

Call for Papers

Call for Papers: IACAP 2014
– deadline extended to 15.3.14 [on Feb 25th] –

The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy

Anatolia College/ACT
Thessaloniki, Greece
July 2-4, 2014

Organisation: Vincent C. Müller & the IACAP Executive Committee

Computing technologies both raise philosophical questions and shed light on traditional philosophical problems; it is this two-way relation that is the focus of IACAP meetings.

We invite submission of abstracts, as well as submission of proposals for symposia on computing and philosophy. This year’s meeting will have a single main track, focusing on topics which proved to be at the core of IACAP member’s interest. In parallel, the symposia will focus on more specific topics, organised autonomously by members or member groups. One symposium will be dedicated to the work of young researchers.

We will publish selected papers in a volume of the ‘Synthese Library’ (Springer). Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper for peer-review to this volume.

Some abstracts will be accepted for presentation as posters. For papers, we foresee slots of 30 minutes per talk, including discussion.

Invited Speakers

Judith Simon (ITU Kopenhagen)
Hector Zenil (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm)
Selmer Bringsjord (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY) – (Covey Award Winner)
Gualterio Piccinini (U Missouri- St. Louis) – (Simon Award Winner)
Gregory Chatin (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) – symposium speaker
S. Barry Cooper (University of Leeds) – symposium speaker

Topics of interest:
•    Artificial Intelligence
•    Artificial Life
•    Cognitive Science, Computation & Cognition
•    Computational Modeling in Science and Social Science
•    Computer-Mediated Communication
•    Distance Education and Electronic Pedagogy
•    Ethical Problems and Societal Impact of Computation and Information
•    History of Computing
•    Information Culture and Society
•    Logic
•    Metaphysics of Computing
•    Philosophy of Information
•    Philosophy of Information Technology
•    Robotics
•    Virtual Reality
… and related issues

For abstracts, we request anonymous submission of 600-1000 words (plus references) in plain text or PDF, plus a short abstract of up to 120 words. All submissions will be reviewed double-blind by at least two members of the programme committee. All submissions of paper abstracts – whether to the main track or to symposia – are made centrally on the same site and all reviewing takes place on that site.

For symposia, please provide a brief motivation (ca. 300 words), a list of envisaged speakers, and indication of time needed (full day, half day, etc.). The submission procedure and reviewing for symposia will be taken care of by their organisers – but within the structure provided by IACAP and the submission system for this conference.

Submission of symposium proposals: 28 February 2014
Submissions of abstracts: 15 March 2014
Notification of acceptance or rejection: 14 April 2014

Submission on EasyChair at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iacap2014

More details on http://www.pt-ai.org/iacap/2014/online-submission

The 2014 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy

Anatolia College/ACT
Thessaloniki, Greece
July 2-4, 2014


This year’s meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy will be held at Anatolia College/ACT in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Computing technologies both raise philosophical questions and elucidate traditional philosophical problems. IACAP meetings emphasise this two-way relationship, providing an opportunity for researchers in multiple fields to share new work in an interdisciplinary setting.

We invite both abstract submissions and symposium proposals in areas at the intersection of computing and philosophy. This year’s meeting will have a single main track focusing on topics central to IACAP membership interests. Symposia will focus on more specific topics, organised autonomously by members or member groups. One symposium will be dedicated to the work of young researchers. Some abstracts will be accepted for presentation as posters. Paper presentations will be allotted 30 minutes, including discussion.

Selected papers will be published in a volume of the ‘Synthese Library’ (Springer). Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper for peer-review to this volume. IACAP is also soliciting nominations for a number of awards (see below).

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Life
  • Cognitive Science, Computation & Cognition
  • Computational Modeling in Science and Social Science
  • Computer-Mediated Communication
  • Distance Education and Electronic Pedagogy
  • Ethical Problems and Societal Impact of Computation and Information
  • History of Computing
  • Information Culture and Society
  • Logic
  • Metaphysics of Computing
  • Philosophy of Information
  • Philosophy of Information Technology
  • Robotics
  • Virtual Reality

… and related issues


For abstracts, we request anonymous submission of 600-1000 words (plus references) in plain text or PDF, plus a short abstract of up to 120 words. All submissions will be reviewed double-blind by at least two members of the programme committee. All submissions of paper abstracts – whether to the main track or to symposia – are made centrally on the same site and all reviewing takes place on that site.

For symposia, please provide a brief motivation (ca. 300 words), a list of envisaged speakers, and indication of time needed (full day, half day, etc.). The submission procedure and reviewing for symposia will be taken care of by their organisers – but within the structure provided by IACAP and the submission system for this conference.


Submission of symposium proposals: 1. February 2014
Submissions of abstracts: 1 March 2014
Notification of acceptance or rejection: 28 February for symposia, 31 March for papers.

Submissions may be sent through EasyChair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iacap2014

More details can be found at http://www.pt-ai.org/iacap/2014/online-submission

Call for Nominations: The Covey Award

The Covey Award recognizes senior scholars with a substantial record of innovative research in the field of computing and philosophy broadly conceived.

Covey Award candidates may be proposed either by their home institution or by fellow scholars of computing and philosophy who are well-versed in the candidate’s work.

To nominate, please send names and website URLs (or CVs) to berkich@gmail.com by 15 January 2014.

For more information, please see http://www.iacap.org/awards/